ABM Design and Build is delighted to announce the completion of Claregalway Education Campus completed under the Department of Education and Skills Accelerated Build Schools Progamme 2017 - 2019. The project was let on a design and build basis and ABM’s role was as Main Contractor and Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage (PSCS).
The project consisted of the construction of two schools on the same site which accommodated the existing Coláiste Bhaile Chláir Post Primary school.
The scope of works included:
A new Claregalway Educate Together National School consisting of a 2-storey, 16 classroom, 3,064 sq.m. Primary School with a 2 classroom special needs unit, including all ancillary and staff facilities and a GP Hall.
Offsite techniques used for the ETNS building included pannelised metal frame external wall panels insulated off site and delivered to site in addition to precast hollow core slabs, so as to fit within the hot rolled steel frame.
A new 2 storey, 3889 sq.m. extension to the existing Post-Primary School, Choláiste Bhaile Chláir, including 2-classroom SNU and sports hall with all ancillary pupil and staff facilities.
57 number additional car parking spaces (32 new spaces for Primary and 24 additional spaces for Post Primary) including all landscaping, ball courts and soft play areas to both schools.
The two Schools were built concurrently and completed on time.